Freedom in its many forms may come from doing something as simple as finding work in a dream-like setting, or a house that is, for the most part, yours to live in and do with as you please. I have found jobs like this in a newspaper called...
The Caretaker Gazette. What they do is offer employment to people who would like to feed pets, or larger animals sometimes. Positions offered there are for handy type people, to live and work in an often secluded setting, doing repair work for people who may or may not even be there. I have known several people with success stories originating in the pages of this paper. Some of the jobs are with, and some without, a salary. In some cases you will be expected to work for just a place to stay. This is a genuine opportunity if you have a way to earn an income for your personals. Be sure you know all the requirements of a position before you accept it though, so you don't end up with visions in your head of basking on the beach, but later find out you will be shoveling poop full time. There are some people in there looking for a butler, and some looking for more of a companion, or even a friend.
Workers on wheels is another site to find gainful if not conventional employment. This site focuses on people with rvs, work campers, and trail tenders. The jobs posted here are mostly campsite managers, but you may also find positions on private property where the owner just wants to have a person stay at the property but not in the main house, then again some of items here don't even have a “main house”, just a piece of land the owner wants someone to look out for. They offer links to several other work opportunities of this nature as well. They even have a link back to the caretaker site.

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